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What's new ?

Wysigot offers numerous improvements in comparison with its predecessors (eCatch, WebCapture) and its competitors, of which these are the main principals:

Wysigot is more efficient!
  • Uses its own database for instant access to an almost unlimited number of pages
  • Uses Internet Explorer's powerful display (flash, activeX, styles...)
  • Alarms for monitoring the most important pages
  • Black list to eliminate undesirable addresses and advertising
  • Wysigot also manages files on your computers as well as on your local network
  • Recycle bin for recovering accidentally deleted documents
  • Automatic updates for version 5.xx
  • It knows how to accelerate web applications

Wysigot is more friendly!
  • New graphics interface
  • Clearly shows you anything new by highlighting it
  • Total control of downloadings in progress or those still to be done
  • Titles of pages which have changed displayed in bold in the tree structure
  • Internal home page (latest news, tips and tricks, etc)
  • Expert mode for advanced users of Wysigot Plus
  • Significant improvements in the Information view
  • Complete documentation
  • Uses Windows XP themes

Find out more

Don't wait, download free Wysigot "Light"

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